Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Belated 18th W/Them 22/10!

Photo's not in order :)
 ( This is Karen Laopo^^ )
 ( This is wl & tw )
 ( this is us lols )

 ( my cake eh ^^ )

 ( ........... -.- )

                                                           ( This is Karen & Mini & me )
                                                       ( 3 person is missing siol )
                                                ( ewww they are singing bday song for me
                                           and everybody in that Pub wish me happy bday ^^)

                                           ( Derek , Tw ,Can you believe he got baby alrdy ^^)
                                        and the baby is cute omg 7month alrdy if im not wrong.

 ( This is xiao low :b Jas )

 ( This is Kenneth ^^ my Pri 1 classmate )

                                                              ( Derrickkk Jasss Kennneth )

Thanks guys , I have fun :)
& brief update on Yestd .
went sentosa earlier then went home
then pub @ night ( so coincidence ChengSiong was there )
then safra for Poolzxs !
Thanks for all the wishes ah :) and keep shake my hand
eat my ' tou fu si bo ' ^^ hahaha ~ 
 My Happy 18th !