Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello , kinda busy recently so no blog long long :D ahahaha! Anw today & tmr off (Y) Went to hospital in the noon til around 730 cabbed home and prepare to go out again , movies with Jx & Wl then we caught the movie Rec2 (M18) ohkay only lo, not really very nice [: then homed , Jx starting school tmr boyf jiayou*   Kay then work not bad not bad , so couple-tee with girlf that day. then one particular day she took out a driving-handbook saw this quite interesting
( Animals , slow down . ) Laugh :B then she started revising for her test tmr , ended up cant wake up so dint manage to take ,
 im taking mine after my bday :D happy!
 then I randomly painted my nails real red O.O
and for now , Im looking for a song that I've been searching for quite a period of time -.- shall try my luck today see whether I heng not :) ( searching in progreessssssss .... ) & I just found out something , not bad huh dint know that al along . & Im carving for some popcorns now! :( + I stil couldnt decide which fone I wna get , HD mini HTC Legend or HTC Touch Diamond2 . Eeeek time for bed already , my dark eye ring is like o-m-f-g ! dammit......
         a little xtra for you,
痛的, 疯的, 伤的,哭的.
Recently , I've not been doing anything much xcept work. So quite no-life liddat, thinking of opening back my fb but aiya dont feel like wna create a Twitter but lazy damn me seriously, i wonder when wil I kick my lazy habit away , so im rather lazy to online thats why nvr update. Blame it on Lazy ._. Push blame! :P Kay &
I very very long nvr see dao my girlfs liao especially my beauty friends.
Anw somebodies bday coming real sooon..... [:
" ws, sry is al I could say. "
@ Stay tune for my next updates♥!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today , mummy bought donut's for breakfast (Y) ! then went off to work .
Anw , time to sleep nights!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Stil very sick , doesnt seems to be getting well soon. Shit! " went to work tday , girlf brought me to th taxi stand , cabbed home as i'm not feeling well :'( giddy sweats cold hands TERRIBLE FEELING :O! Oh yea , got a top from PRAISE for my friend hope you'll like it , passing to him tmr (: Just got off the phone , time check - 233! gotta sleep already .
 Carving for Ice-Cream now DAMN*

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tears Like Razorblades - Sharp Pain

" HAPPY 18TH BDAY EDWARD / HAPPY BELATED 18TH BDAY JUNJIE ! "Stil Sick :/My sore throat is getting from worse to bad O.O Gosh when wil I be recovering , asap kay? Anw Im rather happy recently even though Im sick , so many pple come & visit me when Im working (Y). Weeleng bought me Ruffles chips Rated ★★★    Junjie bought me  a bag of gummies Rated ★★★& I've been munching on snacks basically everyday w/o fail from the First day I started work , so I guess I'll take a little more time to recover , sore throat is killing -.-v COUGH* Awwwww, as for tday OFF , so went to meet Shar after her school , went to bugis then to trim my hair then home , can't go jj's bbq ._. sorry. OPPPS!
It's gonna pour heavily soooon , thunder thunder heard it , Pearlyn scared Thunder )x anybody reading my blog now? 've you close your window , check check & rmb to cover blankets when you're sleeping , it's gonna be a cold cold night.
" i'll always leave a space for you , if you were to come back , again. " i'm , that silly :)! Anw nights nights nights nights nights ~ Luv *

Friday, April 9, 2010


" I know I'll be fine sooon! "

Tday is my Off-day,
awwwwwww having fever + sore throat eat too much tibits & snacks already mainly everyday :o! Jolyn came over to tiong in the afternoon & she spam call me to wake me up lol , pass her things and bought my Pink nail polish then went back home to sleep, meeting my friend later waiting for them to arrive and Im feeling sleepy already ._. SHIT* And , I think Im getting HTC Diamond2 instead (:
( Opps , I forgotten this - )

Monday, April 5, 2010

Draw me/you a Smiley!

" I'm checking into rehab 'everything that we used
to had didn't mean a thing to you.......... everything you mentioned I supposed its obviously ain't me , disappointed , i thought we were getting closer , yet , that bcom a actually. "

Adeline's off day!
went work alone & home alone siol , nothing much just feeling very tired and sleepy now......... needa sleep asap! & ws back from M'sia , yeesssaaaaaa*  HAA he went pub with his friend tonight dint tag along cas I can't go & I'm all stuck at home now , fcuk it , work tmr . So weeleng have been rather moody this few days due to some problems & Pearlyn says
" Tmr will always be a better day , dont be afraid to fall cas you'll definitely stand back right up again , right . "

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fooool Day + First day of work today!

Today ,
met adeline at Tiong first then go work tgt , everything is alright :D! nothing much actually , Candy came over to wait for adeline cas they're going for Ah Yaw birthday , dint go maybe next time cas I shy (: so they pei me take mrt . Walked home alone , He texted me today saying he's going overseas I felt a sigh of relieved hope you'll enjoy yourself , smile! [: Aww , Im feeling rather tired already .
Bedtiming change 've to sleep early wake up early , healthy life-style (Y)

Actually , Yestd night when Im bus-ing home from Cresent I saw him.
he texted me and I dint reply I saw him across the bus-stop from Tiong , I saw him looking at his phone with a very disappointed look and straight I felt guilty ): SORRRY and saw his msn nick more GUITLY! SORRY I dont know what to say anymore , dont treat me so good , if only I could do anything to make you feel alright again , I will .Maybe you ain't ready to be friend but I'll still be here as a friend for you.

" The walls start breathing, my mind's unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone
At least I fall alone
I can't explain what you can explain.
Letting go is tough but learn to"
 " Spray colors to my rainbow. "
I'm sorry ,
cas this is the best way to minimize your hurt.

At least I make it clear now better than dragging.
& I dont mind the person i like doesnt like me cas I can let it go slowly , I guess he 've somebody in mind already and Im that odd one out now but that doesnt mean I've to use somebody to forget someone even though thats how it's suppose to be but I felt bad about it ,  respect my decision ........
Lastly , Im willing to be your friend if you want.

" Thats how luv goes around.
You can luv whoever you want 
but she/he can luv whoever they wants too. "