Sunday, October 31, 2010

我看起来很坚强 因为我都在逞强,

我要离开了 因为你爱的那个是别的 " 她 "。
我知道了,哭过了,了解了也因该 离开了。
I plucked up my courage , I told you how I felt ,
You gave me no answer , Silent was all I got back ,
I was afraid back then , I gave you 15mins to cherish ,
You remain silent ,
I said I'll leave , I will ,
 I made a mistake ,
 I thought you care , But you dont ,
 I thought you werent gonna leave me , But you did ,
I thought everybody was lying to me about your character , I was wrong ,
I was all so wrong about You.
Now I know , why everybody tried to make me stay away.
& I can tell you this :
" all along the person whom I like is you and I really like you ,
and Yes is you , I had a boyf but I have nvr like him bfore
I only like you and Yes I talked to other guys I know my limits
I always scare them away after afew days cos I only want you.
Yes I always provoke you but why cos I care
and I wna care more thats why Im kpo.
and to be honest , the answer why I always nvr contact you first
is bcos : I know when you wna talk to me you will look for me first
and I dint wna be a pest to you nor to disturb you so I always kept silent.
and idk whether will you regret letting me go but I can tell you this
you will definitely miss me one day & I just love you no matter how you're
your flaws your weakness your stubborn your temper basically everything
and you can nvr find another girl who'll love you this much , maybe Im wrong
but you're the first I put my whole heart in even though we aren't a couple bfore .
and I dont care whether who you like or who you are wooing ,
I just wna tell you this thats all "

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Yestd ,
woke up @ 10am !
Karen came over to my hse after her exams
then went to tiong she went home & me to AMK
Look for Jas Wl Derrick then to PRAWN PRAWN PRAWN :b
Aaron came over after school .
Then Mac for supper then home home home ((:
Going Karen Hse To Celebrate Halloween Later! ~
Some Of Yestd Photos! :


Friday, October 29, 2010

Surprise for Trick or Treat ;

 Halloooweeeeeeeeeen Night !

Hope you guys like it ltr :)
and theres a lil note inside it too.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Listen To Me;

Will you look for me when I disappear?
( If I start to matter to you , tell me , cos I'll tell you too. )
Please dont let go if you still want it ,
dont walk away , stay on and fight you'll win eventually!
( Iwontleavewithothers cos theyain'tyou. )
& I would prefer you to say something ,
cos at least words can wound , wound can heal .
" I wont forget you , so can you dont be a part of my past. "
 You are the Only thing that matters. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010


你知道 每当你开始沉默的时候,我都会比你更难过.
If you dont intend to Stay then
dont Come cos when you Leave I'll be the One Suffering Alone.
如果你爱我 那就用一颗真心 爱我
因为 爱你 我从不后悔 也 不要求回报。
" I dont care what other say , I just like you even if you dont . " 
 * Nights! *

My Belated 18th W/Them 22/10!

Photo's not in order :)
 ( This is Karen Laopo^^ )
 ( This is wl & tw )
 ( this is us lols )

 ( my cake eh ^^ )

 ( ........... -.- )

                                                           ( This is Karen & Mini & me )
                                                       ( 3 person is missing siol )
                                                ( ewww they are singing bday song for me
                                           and everybody in that Pub wish me happy bday ^^)

                                           ( Derek , Tw ,Can you believe he got baby alrdy ^^)
                                        and the baby is cute omg 7month alrdy if im not wrong.

 ( This is xiao low :b Jas )

 ( This is Kenneth ^^ my Pri 1 classmate )

                                                              ( Derrickkk Jasss Kennneth )

Thanks guys , I have fun :)
& brief update on Yestd .
went sentosa earlier then went home
then pub @ night ( so coincidence ChengSiong was there )
then safra for Poolzxs !
Thanks for all the wishes ah :) and keep shake my hand
eat my ' tou fu si bo ' ^^ hahaha ~ 
 My Happy 18th !